Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer Dragonflies

As many birdwatchers know, the middle of summer is the doldrums when it comes to birdwatching. The birds are much harder to see because they've not singing nearly as much and are trying to be inconspicuous as they raise their young. However, for those of us "Ode-watchers" (a fancy term for dragonfly watcher that I just made up, I think), the middle of summer can still be rewarding when one goes out "birdwatching". July is the month of the clear-wings, not the feather-wings, for me anyway. Here are a few of the pictures of Dragonflies I took this summer. Enjoy, and as always, click the pictures for bigger pictures.

Widow Skimmer (female) Libellula luctuosa

Eastern Pondhawk (male) Erythemis simplicicolis

Banded Pennant (male) Celithemis fasciata

Widow Skimmer (male) Libellula luctuosa

Violet Dancer Argia fumipennis violacea

Blue Dasher (female) Pachydiplax longipennis

Blue Dasher (male) Pachydiplax longipennis

Eastern Pondhawk (female/immature male) Erythemis simplicicolis

Eastern Pondhawk (transitional male eating a damselfly) Erythemis simplicicolis

Banded Pennant (male) Celithemis fasciata

Banded Pennant (male) Celithemis fasciata

Widow Skimmer (male) Libellula luctuosa

Meadowhawk (male) Sympetrum sp.

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