Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Common Garter Snakes at Ames Nowell

I really need to start waking up earlier to get outside around 6-7, instead of not getting around to going out until 1. At least the snakes bailed me out today during my brief afternoon excursion to Ames Nowell State Park. I encountered 4 Common Garter Snakes today, including a young snake that was waiting in ambush near the leaf litter pathways of 2 Least Shrews, or what I'm fairly certain were Least Shrews due to their 1" size, short tails, and faint squeaks. To fully appreciate these pictures, click to enlarge and then zoom in, as they are uncropped.

The young Common Garter Snake stalking the Least Shrews

The second Common Garter Snake of the day... the exact same spot as the one I saw last week.

I'll have to try to compare the markings to see if it's the same individual

3rd Common Garter Snake, found next to a large boulder...

...that I briefly pestered for a few good pictures

And finally a 4th Common Garter Snake escaping my gaze over a log

I did manage to see my first Pine Warblers of the year, after getting a mild case of "Warbler Neck", and got a very, very brief look at a Spring Azure butterfly, which was not cooperative when it comes to taking pictures. In the nest box area at the north end of the pond, there were still no Tree Swallows, though I did count 15 Painted Turtles basking there.
I can't wait for butterfly season to get fully underway and for dragonfly season to start...

UPDATE: I am now convinced that the shrews that I saw were not Least Shrews, as their range apparently does not quite reach this area of Massachusetts. As a result, I don't know what species of shrew they were, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say Northern Short-tailed Shrews, but if that's the case then they must have been young. Guess I blew the ID on that one, but in my defense, the information on mammals, especially small mammals, isn't as comprehensive as the information available on say birds. Oh well, better luck next time.

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